Proudly Made in Texas

Alamo Suppressor

Phodera Suppressor Lineup

Alamo Suppressor

Woodland Suppressor
The Ultimate Reloader – Hands-On: Phodera Armory Hill Country 30 Caliber Suppressor
The Ultimate Reloader – Phodera Woodland comparison 5.56Nato
Strong cans for demanding fans. Hear and see the difference.
- Jun292023
Silencer/Suppressor Features
By adminRead moreNoise Suppression Suppressors and Silencers can abate noise levels by as much as 80% (depending on caliber, size and action…
0admin - Jun022023
Legislative Handout from the ASA
By adminRead moreClick here to download PDF version There’s Nothing Silent About Silencers No tool can make a gunshot silent. Guns are…
admin - Jun022023
The most serious threat to hearing comes from recreational hunting or target shooting
By adminRead moreFrom a hearing conservation perspective, according to Dr. William W. Clark, the current Director of the Washington University School of…
What our customers are saying
- I went to the range and shot 40 rounds! It was absolutely awesome! David HuddlestonFeedback
- As a Career Military Officer, I have seen and used many weapons and lots of suppressors in my time. In my opinion the Phodera Armory Suppressors are more accurate, cleaner, runs cooler and practically run maintenance free. I just leave it on my rifle and it's ready to shoot at any time. Would highly recommend to anyone serious about their suppressor.USMC Col. ret Michael F Campbell
- "Committed to providing quality products."DGS LLCDorchester Gun Shop, LLC
- "Looking to shoot suppressed? You need what Phodera Armory offers."Charles StewartStewart's Firearms & Personal Defense LLC
- "Veteran owned company. Manufacturing full line of quality suppressors at fair pricing."D. MooreMoore Guns and Ammo
"Maurizio’s silencers are top tier and durable. He stands behind his products as well. "
Mark JohnsonAlcan Tactical,LLC- Grey Wolf Firearms Training N.C.
- "Experts in suppressors"ROBERT KOLESAR
Ready Tactical SlingReady Tactical"Veteran owned, quality products, 2A friendly, and from a 2A friendly state. What more can anyone want?"
AlignableKinney's Shooting Supplies- Please check out their inventory. They can help you find that perfect firearm or suppressor for you.Richard SmithSmith's Fire Arms
- "Heroes of Faith"2023 CTO TX Ultimate Summer CampsKim and I just returned from our first summer camp session and what an amazing camp!There are so many stories to be told, that it will be impossible to share them all at once, so keep a look out over the next few days-First and foremost, the Holy Spirit moved in a mighty way on the hearts of these young men. 10 young men confessed their sin openly, asking for prayer and deliverance, and 3 of these men gave their lives to the Lord, choosing to be baptized.The Lord answered our prayers, moving on the hearts of these kids in a powerful way, encouraging their confidence, hope and Faith in Christ!Our daily devotions were studying "Heroes of Faith" and some of the historical characters in the Old Testament. Daniel, Samson, 'Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendigo,' David, and Jesus.These stories taught us, as we move farther into a darker, fallen World, we have to be ready to stand up for our Faith, having confidence in God's word.Here are a couple of questions to ask yourself--When you have a chance to share the Gospel will you share freely?-Do your closest friends know you are a believer in Jesus?These boys harvested 12 hogs
with one weighing 298lbs, one at 246 and another at 216lbs! To harvest a 200lb hog is special, but a 300lb bear, crazy!
One young man caught a 117lb alligator gar on rod-n-reel with other smaller ones caught, along with some giant catfish and a lot of bass!Archery, Rifle and Pistol, Shotgun and Long-range shooting was taught daily, while sharing the word of God!
The first of many stories I want to share is about Eli.3 of our adult leaders, along with myself drove to the North end of the ranch to look at a fishing spot, following a John Deere Tractor down the FM market road for nearly 3 miles. In a hurry, hoping we could get around, the tractor stopped on a bridge, with the driver jumping out to let us know we were about to cross on to another private ranch. Needless to say, this driver was 13 year old Eli.We invited him to join us and the kids at camp due to his kindness and manors.The next day I ran into Eli at the ranch office and extended another invitation for him to come join us.Eli showed up that afternoon and ended up having dinner with us and worshipping around the campfire. He came the following day and shot Clays with us and ended up fitting right in, hunting and fishing with these kids.The following evening he asked for us to pray with him, asked Jesus into his heart, and wants to be baptized at our next camp!I can't tell you all of the fun he had with our kids and the joy Eli brought to our group, but this was not a coincidence. God made this divine appointment long before our existence-This is one of many stories I will share through this week.To God be the Glory! What an awesome week of fellowship and fun.Please pray for our next 3 upcoming camps here in Texas and the many camps CTO is providing across the nation!Huge shout out to our Discipleship Coaches (leadership team) who came out and helped with our camp, and to the many volunteers, and landowners who assist in our CTO Ultimate Summer Camps! We couldn't do this without you-Thank you to our Donors and Sponsors who help make this possible for these kids!If you know anyone who would like to hear more about Cross Trail Outfitters - Youth Hunting & Fishing Club please give them my contact information and share our website at to our next camp, and new adventures!Kevin Potts (CTO)